Late 70’s Sandi checking the letter box | Photo Credit: King Family Archives

Mailbox Magic: The Daily Delivery Ritual

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Retro or Old”

Sandi Parsons
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
1 min readMar 25, 2024


Hopeful anticipation. Do treasured letters await?

While my Aunty lived in New Zealand, she’d write to me every week. I still have her letters (see my earlier post below).

Sadly, the old tradition of letter writing seems to be a lost art these days.

Do you still send letters through the post?

Old photos have their own sweet charm. They aren’t always sharp and clear like our modern-day snaps, yet somehow, they manage to impart a sense of nostalgia.

This month, we’re chasing your best ‘retro or old’ photos & stories!
Can you tell a story in just six words and a photo?
Check out this month’s challenge below!



Sandi Parsons
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.