Photo by Author While on a 300-Mile Motorcycle Ride to Lunch

Managing Fear — And — Living Life

February Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Statues”


Fear What Scares You The Least

This statue/story is about Kentucky native Nicky Hayden. Starting as a small child he chased his dream to be a world champion motorcycle racer. He accomplished that dream. The category of motorcycle racing known as MOTO-GP hosts the most powerful, fastest factory-built motorcycles in the world.

The races are held in many countries, including the United States. The speeds can exceed 200 MPH, and the competition is fierce. Riders often make contact with one another throughout a given event. It is nothing short of High-Risk-Intensity on Steroids!!

This story also recognizes how each of us has the ability to achieve great things in our lives through hard work, perseverance, and determination. Nicky embodied all those qualities and more. He lived a life of purpose, dedication, and sacrifice that ultimately led him to achieve the highest accomplishment in what some would call a very dangerous sport.

The risks associated with this sport will produce fear in every rider at some point in their careers — no exceptions. Yet, they continue to practice, train, compete, and push themselves beyond what any of them thought they could ever achieve. This is about way more than motorcycle racing. It’s about managing fear and living life!

Now, I am not suggesting that anyone reading this story go out and start racing motorcycles; no, not at all. That was Nicky’s dream. What I am suggesting is that “you” dream and dream big. It’s never too late!!

Write that story, and do it naked in front of the world. Ask for that promotion, bid on that dream home, call that special someone, and tell them how you feel. Find your dream and chase it no matter how risky it may seem. Do it now, today, don’t wait!!

We only get a hundred years at best. No one is promised tomorrow, not even Nicky. Tragically, Nicky lost his life riding a bicycle, not racing one of those high-octane two-wheeled rockets. My guess is many of you reading this have ridden bicycles as a child or even as an adult.

But what we really need to understand is the importance of chasing our dreams every day, like Nicky. Because when that hourglass runs out, we can’t flip it back over and start again. And hopefully, in the end, when that hourglass does run out, we won’t have spent an entire lifetime Fearing What Sacred Us The Least…

-Forever The Student

Mark Krauss 2024

  • Additional information is written on Nicky’s Monument in Owensboro, Kentucky.



Mark Krauss
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Husband, Father/Grandfather, Retired Engineer, Dedicated Runner, Avid Golfer, Lifetime Motorcycle Enthusiast, Struggles with Writing, Inquisitive, Mischievous