Vidya Sury’s Tanjore Doll © with a thank you card made by her son

Memories of Another Day

Summer Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shine!”


A six-year-old’s promise, nineteen years later

I remember when we bought this beautiful Tanjore doll. We had gone for a walk to the market with our then 6yo son. We were always wary of bookshops and “exhibitations” (his word for exhibitions). Bookshops were especially big issues, as that meant hours and hours of getting stuck there. Exhibitions, not so much unless there were toys. Well, this one we couldn’t avoid and he insisted that he needed this “toy”. He was probably fascinated by its colorfulness.

Made of terra cotta and fragile, it was hardly something he could play with. He promised to “take care” of it. When that sweet face implored earnestly, of course, my mom agreed. Her point? So what if he breaks it? He’ll learn to handle things more carefully. I disagreed, but she had the more powerful voice at that moment.

Tanjore dancing dolls are very special and I am proud to say, from my hometown, Tanjore. Each doll is skillfully handmade with three or four parts that just balance on one another to make her move gracefully. When we nudge the doll, it moves, enchantingly, gracefully, gently. And yes, you drop it; it breaks easily.

Well. We bought the expensive doll. And for weeks, watched this kid dismantle and assemble her. I always watched like a hawk even as my mom kept shooing me away, heart in mouth, waiting for the day when one part would…I can’t even say it! Also, I was dreading my son’s freaking out over a broken toy!

That was nineteen years ago. The doll still shines on my shelf.

As I look at the doll appearing almost as good as new, I’m smiling. Yup, he did take good care. She agrees when I gently nudge her, and she moves as if dancing with joy. Ah, what memories! Sigh.

Here’s a video of how the dolls move:



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts