Miss Uma Zooma Angelwings
July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”
Don’t my eyes match the garden?
Miss Uma, our glamour girl, arrived in our lives as a little bundle of elegant fluff. She was born in a dorm room full of girls, who coddled her from her earliest moments. Her mother was a rescue kitty whom the college girls had snuck inside— but they didn’t know that she was pregnant. They had to hide both the mother and the kittens until they could get them all adopted.
Because of her early “girlie” time, she has always been very social. When the doorbell rings, Uma heads straight to the front door, tail up, in full “sashay-mode.” She’ll be purring before you even get a chance to stroke those elegant cheekbones.
She’s a gorgeous creature. And she knows it.
Such gorgeousness requires a daily “spa.” Her morning would not be complete without a good brushing. And those pearly whites need attention too — she actually likes to get her teeth brushed. We use chicken-flavored toothpaste and it is quite a hit.
She was about a year old in this photo. She’s just about to turn ten in a few weeks. Most mornings, I wake up with Uma either purring on my chest or asleep at my feet. She has a bit of rivalry going…