Image credit: Author

Nature, Photography

Mother Earth As A Provider

Six Word Photo Story: Freestyle

Pene Hodge
1 min readSep 18, 2021


Variated guests

Drinking nectar

Mother flower

While waiting at the bus stop with my Snookums the other day, I spied this beauty in someone’s front yard.

I snuck a few feet off the curb to get a photo.

And look at all these critters along for the ride.

I did not see them until I looked at the picture later.

Otherwise, I would not put my hand there.

Thank you Mary Chang Story Writer for your inspiration and publication!

Tagging other six-word story writers; Penny Grubb, pockett dessert, K. Barrett, Pulpo Viejo, Kim Zuch, Susan Alison, and others.

Thank you for reading and indulging my version of “playing with words”.

Pene Hodge is a mom, a nurse, a writer. She writes because she must. She loves people and is committed to sharing and gleaning knowledge for the betterment of all.

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Pene Hodge
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer. I write because I must. Arrive curious, leave inspired. I welcome collaboration, contact