Photo of the author hanging on the monkey bars. Taken by her favorite monkey bar friend.

Photography, Movement | Mary’s March Prompt

Movement: March Prompt

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Movement”


Keep moving — swing, jump, and play!

When I don’t get a chance to hang upside-down on the monkey bars, one of my go-to exercises when I need to get my blood rushing — is jumping jacks. They’re simple, require no equipment or cash, can be done anywhere, and perk up my entire body!

I aim to do 100 jumping jacks daily, along with 100 squats and 25 push-ups. This trio of exercises and walking at least 10,000 steps is the minimum of what I try to achieve daily. Accountability was key to my success when I started my fitness journey four years ago.

I loathed exercising before but once I established a routine and noticed progress in my journey, I gained confidence and now — exercise is a FUN activity, rather than a chore.

This month, I’m challenging anyone who would like to participate in the Jumping Jacks Movement Challenge:

Do at least 100 jumping jacks per day for the month of March!

If you can do more than 100, please do. If you can only do 25, please still join me!



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️