At 16th Street/ October 2017/ Photo by me, Osan

Mural At 16th Street

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “ Graffiti & Street Art”


The Hope For The World Cure

I saw the mural on my way to Mission Dolores Basilica.

The Hope For The World Cure mural is at 16th Street near Market Street in San Francisco, California. It was created in 1998 to commemorate the Castro community’s struggle with AIDS.

I took the photo in 2017. It was all pure art. But recently, it has been defaced by graffiti. Repair works are likely to be shelved due to high costs.

At that time, the changes in that part of San Francisco were depressing. Every time I stepped out, I needed to alert all my senses, especially at night.

Thank you for dropping by.



Osan Fernando

A wanderer, a puzzle, a scribbler, a dentist who loves to write anything under the sun & travel anywhere without the sun.