“Inuksuk.” This is a “Nature Art” photo taken by author. Nature artist unknown.

Photography, Nature Art, May & June Prompt

Nature Art: May & June Prompt

Spring Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Nature Art”


Five rocks to stand tall, proud.

During my walks, I often see inukshuks scattered along the seawall or beach built by locals. I don’t know how the artists balance the rocks precisely without them tumbling but I imagine there is a certain degree of intuition, focus, patience, love, and science that inspires the creation.

To me, the photo featured above is a true representation of “Nature Art.”

I have a strong sense that this will become one of the most interactive, popular challenges for participating writers — which is why I’m extending this challenge over two spring months (May & June). This idea has been brewing in my mind since last summer and now is the time to share it.

I’m inviting you to explore the outdoors to create nature art with your hands and imagination without destroying the environment, or simply take time to observe nature art. Having made different nature art creations myself over the last decade, I find that the process is therapeutic, wondrous, and satisfying.

The Spring (May & June) Challenge is “Nature Art”



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️