Garden of Sculptures, New Jersey. Photo by Vidya Sury ©


Not Lake Placid

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


These still waters brought me joy

I love this photo. I clicked several, all at various angles. I was awestruck by the stillness of the water and the boat, which is a Seward Johnson sculpture, by the way, at the Garden of Sculptures, Hamilton, New Jersey.

We had the most awesome day there, my BFF and I, posing with statues and wandering around as we chatted, reminisced, and laughed. At the end of the day, they literally ushered us out, and we headed to a restaurant for snacks, which turned into a food fest.

Many of the sculptures were based on paintings by Manet, Degas, Monet, and many other great artists. I was excited to see some of these paintings at the Manet-Degas exhibition at the Met in New York the following week.

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer 💕

Thank you, Sandi Parsons 💕



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts