Flurk, sleeping — photo by author.


Off-Duty Paw Patrol


I will clean my nails later.

Flurk, deeply asleep on a garden chair, obviously too tired to clean his nails before dozing off.

I love taking photos with a shallow depth of field. The paw gives away that it’s a cat, but which one is almost a mystery. This was taken quite some time ago, so I had to look up the specs, and I was surprised that it was taken with a 15–85 mm lens on a Canon 500D at full length, allowing for a maximum aperture of 5.6. If I had used my 100 mm macro, I think it would have been hard to see that it was even a cat.



Iban Van der Zeyp
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I was born in the year of the first moon landing. I'm a visual artist, writer and photographer. That's it.