photo of woman in black tshirt posing with a wax figure of steve jobs at Johnnie’s Wax Museum, Shimla, India
Johnnie’s Wax Museum, Shimla, India. Vidya Sury © with Steve Jobs


Oh, These Celebrities Just Won’t Take No for An Answer!

May Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “This is Me”


Steve insisted. How could I refuse?

We were on a road trip to Shimla from my son’s campus in August 2019. One of the places we visited there was Johnnie’s Wax Museum. As usual, I whined about the stupid high entrance fee for a tiny museum, but it was two to one, so I had no choice but to go along.

By now, my son knows the new me very well and encouraged me to pose with the exhibits. I did, with some. It was so much fun and worth far more than the entrance fee. Some of their exhibits were outstanding. I even posed with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson! I thought it would be fun to begin with Steve Jobs.

He kept insisting on a photo with me. I tried to say no but he wouldn't hear of it. I finally ended up posing next to him — only because he insisted! Ha! I have a sneaky feeling that Steve kept thinking I was a celebrity and had always dreamed of meeting me. Shhhhh - look at the incredulous expression on his face! I am wondering now — did I inspire him to create Apple?

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer 💕



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts