***“Swing your tail and be udderly brilliant” *** Image credit: The picture clicked by the author’s son


Ok to be a little moo-dy!

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Pet People”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Know when to hoof it, baby!

We were to cross a bridge over the Narmada canal near Gandhinagar, Gujarat when we could find a huge herd of cattle crossing by.

We waited. I thought to capture such beautiful sight but the cowherd said he would allow only if he was clicked along.

I was about to set my right foot forward but a few happenings of the past restricted me! So I had to smile wide with this consolation ‘prize’!!

I do love pets but ‘from a distance’! Sounds weird, right!? Well, here it goes.

A pet pussycat, Minnie scratched 5-6-year old me on my right foot at my maternal grandpa’s village just because it was being ‘playful’!

I howled and screamed. Finally, I was taken to the pharmacy nearby where the compounder cleaned the ‘microscopic’ wound with betadine solution and applied some antiseptic.

In yet another incident at the same place, there was a too restless pup, Jackie.

I was 7 then and was engrossed in a deep conversation with my grandpa. Out came this fellow from somewhere and suddenly started vehemently scratching the colorful strap sandal of my right leg.

Chill ran down my spine and I literally jumped over my grandpa’s lap to ‘save’ myself!

I was 10 and was playing badminton with a buddy when the shuttle cock fell near our big Jersey breed ‘cool-headed’ cow, Lakshmi.

She was tied in the backyard chewing the cud. When I went near her to pick up the shuttle cock she suddenly hit my right thigh so hard that I fell off.

My friend came to rescue me writhing in pain. However, paracetamol and sprain spray helped.

I better be careful with my right foot (wink wink) and love ‘pets’ from a distance!

The moment I could find Mary Chang Story Writer posting the March prompt, I already knew that I would participate with this click (chuckle). Hearty thanks for the opportunity.



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories