Trails (Photo: Diana Lotti)


On the Way

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Comfort”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readSep 26, 2022


Keep going, we are nearly there.

It’s been a while since I published anything on Medium, but I continue to read some of my favorite writers, see their photos, and enjoy their stories whenever I can. Seeing what people have been up to or the interpretations of the monthly challenges are always fun.

The past few weeks have been full of freelance work — both for clients and some private projects that I’m hoping will launch by October, which is right around the corner! Sometimes I hear the little Dory song, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming…” in my head because we’re nearly there.

I guess we’re always nearly there, and when you’re able to see the finish line, it gives you some comfort because you’re about to make it.

Story and photos by © 2022 Diana Lotti. Photo(s) taken with a Canon EOS R + RF24–105MM F4.0.

Suppose you’re curious about some of the participants of the six-word photo challenge. In that case, I invite you to see the photos and stories of Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Ellie Jacobson, Anne Bonfert, Penny Grubb, Divina Grey, Stuart Aken, John Dean, Stephen Reed, pockett dessert, and Dennett to name a…



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Freelance Writer & Photographer | Need a writer? Check out my portfolio at