Photo Credit: Sandi Parsons

Paws-itively Joyfully Smug

January Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Fun”


I’m the King of the Castle!

Did you read that without saying the next line?

This photo is an oldie but a goodie. It was snapped at Dog Training when Rotto was about nine months old. Opal (the indignant-looking Rottweiler), who belonged to the trainer, was Rotto’s favorite friend.

Rotto had a lot of fun at Puppy School, mostly because he spent way more time socializing and being naughty than learning. But he scraped through Puppy School because every puppy graduates at the end. But Level 1 Dog Training was another story altogether!

Level 1 Dog Training meant Rotto had to do some actual work, and that just wasn’t his cup of tea. Consequently, he failed to graduate from Level 1 Dog Training not once but three times.

Want to see how cute Rotto was when he started Puppy School?

Sandi Parsons lives and breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller. She lives with her favourite husband and two problem puppies. It’s not her fault; she really did TRY to train them …



Sandi Parsons
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.