Peacocks at my windowsill at the IISER Mohali Guest House— Photo by Vidya Sury ©

Peacocks At My Window

Six Word Photo Story: Freestyle


Let me take you out tonight.

We were staying at the guesthouse on my son’s college campus a couple of years ago. I was sleeping. Suddenly, something woke me up. I opened my eyes to find it was bright and sunny through the cracks in the heavy window curtains.

Alarmed and thinking I had overslept, I sat up and checked the clock. and was surprised to find it was only 5.30 am. I lay down again — after all, I was on holiday. Sure I could have gotten dressed and gone for a walk, but … eh. Too cozy enjoying the gentle breathing of my folks and the whirring of the air-conditioner.

I drifted off again to dreamland.

Half an hour later, I heard a tapping at the window. Sat up again. Then got a bit spooked recalling that we were on the second floor. How . . . ?

Curiosity getting the better of me, I gently tiptoed to the window and drew the curtain aside, with thoughts of the recent crime novel I’d read swirling in my head.

Imagine my shocked surprise and delight to see this handsome young man at the window, trying to peer in!

For the next hour, I simply sat there and watched him preen and romance his lady — yes! I moved the curtain aside to see that there was a peahen also perched on the window sill.

The large windows, that extended across an entire wall allowed me an almost 180- degree view, and I was excited to see around six peacocks and peahens wandering the lawn, enjoying the dawn.

And oh, these two, literally in my face, were chatting away. The guy kept swishing his luscious feathers across the window glass as he twirled this way and that, wooing his lady. Yes, I have a video of this!

What a way to wake up! I’ve filed this away in my happy-moments archive which I reach into whenever I need a swift pick-me-up!

Thank you Mary Chang Story Writer for always reminding me of my happy places via my photo albums and for making me even more observant than usual with my camera now! ❤ Also, you come up with the greatest shots for the Power of 3 prompt!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.