Perth Observatory| Photo Credit: Sandi Parsons


Peering Into Space

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


Trust me, that is my reflection!

Telescopes use mirrors to collect and focus light toward the eyepiece. So, when you peer down the front of a large telescope, you can see your reflection in one of the mirrors.

Unfortunately, capturing that same reflection on camera is a little harder. All you can see is the black blob of my iPhone and the outline of my red hair!

This month, we want you to dig deep and give us your best ‘reflect’ photos & stories!
Can you tell a story in just six words and a photo?

Check out this month’s challenge below!



Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.