“Couch surfer gecko” Photo by author.

Photography, Pet People, Six Word Photo Story | March’s Conclusion

“Pet People” Six Words & A Photo: March’s Conclusion

SWPSC: “Pet People” & Freestyle Stories — March’s Conclusion

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
5 min readMar 31, 2022


Couch surfing — checking out the view.

“Pet People” Challenge Conclusion

Special thanks to Ellie Jacobson for co-editing this month as guest editor for the Pet People challenge. It’s been awesome having her help! Please support Ellie Jacobson by following her and reading her stories.

Thank you to all the contributing writers this month for inviting me and Ellie into your lives by giving us a glimpse into the pets you love and creatures you’ve made a social or emotional connection with through your photographs and stories. It was touching to see so many entries where writers rescued animals from kill shelters, saved cats that were abandoned in parking lots, or rescued a dog that was left at someone’s house to be taken care of without the owner ever returning to pick up the pet.

March was a popular month for “Pet People.” We saw dogs, cats, deer, hamsters, bunnies, ponies, hedgehogs, squirrels, fish, birds, chickens, insects, and more!



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️