“Three Pigeons Cycling” photo by Mary Chang Story Writer

Photography, Nature, November Writing Prompt

“Power of 3”: November Prompt

November Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “3”


“Steering’s covered, but who’s gonna pedal?

Caught this shot a few years ago on my way home. The pigeon threesome posed on the steering wheel for a good 30 seconds — then flew away. This photo was the inspiration for November’s prompt challenge.

November’s Challenge

November’s prompt is to capture a photo that displays 3 creatures (animals, birds, insects, etc) or 3 plants (trees, flowers, fruit, etc), or 3 things, or simply represents the number 3 in some significant way.

Ideally, the photo you capture occurs in nature and/or is “unstaged.”

Can you publish a photo that represents “3” and tell a story about it in six words?

Grab those cameras or dig into your archives and see what you can come up with — you may be surprised that you’ll start seeing triplicate, triplets, and threesomes as you observe your surroundings.

I dare you! Are you ready?



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️