Log across the creek. Photo by author.
Photo by Mary Chang Story Writer

Photography, “Power of One” | Mary’s June Prompt

Power of One: June Prompt

June Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Power of One”


One log daring one to cross.

I don’t know how it got there — one strong, solid tree trunk balanced in the ideal position. The power of temptation instilled by a lifeless tree — will I cross or walk away?

“Power of One” nature art & photo by author.

The June Challenge is “Power of One” brought to you by me — Mary Chang

Some of you may remember the “Power of 3” Challenge from November 2021 — today, I’m introducing the “Power of One.” The concept is to take a photo that somehow captures the meaning of “Power of Onein some way, whether it’s abstract or concrete, figurative or literal, physical or mental. The possibilities are endless — we’re looking for submissions with different perspectives, unusual stories, and brilliant photographs.

Please read about the Definition, Purpose & Rules of the “Power of One” Challenge below.

Possible Definitions of How to Use “Power of One” in…



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️