Vernal Hanging Parrot | Arun


Rare Parrots

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shadows”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readSep 9, 2023


Perching and swaying with the breeze

Arrays of pearl millets lined up the fields, gently swaying in the intermittent dashes of breeze. Pearl millet, also known as Bajra locally, is a superfood.

The fields were ripe and ready for harvest, but the good samaritan who owned the farm didn’t harvest the fields. He leaves the fields open for birds to come and forage. Hundreds of them flock together. The Bajra seeds are a sumptuous feast for the rambunctious and chirpy birds. Sparrows, Finches, Buntings, all of them salivate and relish the copious yields of Bajra.

Amidst all the flutter, one special flock of guests arrive with raucous chattering for their share of pie. They are the only “Parrot” species found in the Indian Subcontinent called the Vernal Hanging Parrot.

People confuse all the Parakeets found in abundance as Parrots. Well, those are not parrot people; we just have one species of parrot found in India, and they are the “Vernal Hanging Parrot.” Unlike parakeets, these parrots don’t have a tail.

Extremely shy and perching high up in the canopies, they are difficult birds to photograph. But the lure of easy food makes them come down to the plains and perch on the swaying Bajra stumps. They are unique among birds for their ability to sleep upside down, precariously hanging from the trees and hence attached with the hanging name.

The interplay of golden light on their green body and shadows falling on the Bajra stumps makes it a delight to watch them and shoot them on camera.



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I enjoy photography, jungle safari, travel, programming and writing. I'm here to share my experiences.