Plastic milk container, used as a bird feeder, wrecked at the bottom by a squirrel.
Image by © Linda Acaster


April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”

Linda Acaster
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Nothing deters a sharp-toothed vandal.

It’s been a long, cold, wet winter, but we try our best to support the local wildlife, from birds to hedgehogs to a fieldmouse which scurries between the planters in front of the patio doors and occasionally stands on its hind legs to peek inside. In turn, we are rewarded with views of inquisitive pheasants wandering between the plants, colourful blue-tits and green-finches, and a family of crows which sit on the fence to caw their welcome each 8am.

But there’s always one which wants more than its fair share, and doesn’t care about waste or damage — the cute-looking, bushy-tailed squirrel!

The number of seed-feeders we’ve had to replace is beyond counting. The plastic tubes with perches don’t last a day. It’s even chewed through the metal ones.

“Squirrel-proof” feeders, complete with surrounding cage, are no such thing, lasting merely a week. Only the other morning I found the supposed squirrel-proof fat-ball feeder on the ground — again — this time with its lid partly off and all its contents missing.

We decided to use a plastic milk carton to see if a DIY seed-feeder might last longer. Nope.



Linda Acaster
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

British multi-genre fiction author who haunts historical sites - check out her publication 'Escape Into History'. For novel links: