Holiday twinkle lights and over-sized winter-themed decorations.
Image by Charlene Marron


Setting the Scene

Winter Wonderland: December Freestyle

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readDec 11, 2022


Over-sized snowflakes mean it’s officially winter.

I had some books to return to the library this week. As I walked across the parking lot, I noticed the decorations shown in the photo above. Wow! When had those been put up?

Sometimes I’m so preoccupied with my to-do list that I forget to take notice of the obvious. At this time of year, my concerns center around work deadlines, getting to stores for Christmas gifts before the sizes and colors are picked over, and wondering when the snowstorms will start. I know that’s a shame. My time and energy are misplaced.

Seeing those twinkle lights did give me some Christmas cheer. I took ten minutes to walk around the grounds and appreciate the work people put in to create the various light displays. I also made a visit later in the week to help my precocious niece, Cindy-Lou Who personified, hang ornaments on the family Christmas tree.

Making more good memories is on the top of my to-do list for the new year.

Thanks to Mary Chang Story Writer and the SWPSC editors for a terrific year of photos and content. I hope you enjoy your winter break. Looking forward to more short story prompts in the new year!



Charlene Marron
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Introvert on the outside living loudly on the inside. Taking it a day at a time with a twinkle in my eye and a song in my heart. Poetry is my flow.