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Shining Light On Shadows

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shadows”

Shubha Apte
2 min readSep 28, 2023


A Tale Of Love And Acceptance

The prompt shadows from Mary Chang Story Writer reminded me of a real-life story that occurred in one of my teams.

We are often drawn to the radiant qualities we see in others. One of my team members, Soumya, was in a long-distance relationship with Rahul. Soumya resided in India, while her colleague Rahul worked at our Texas office in the United States.

Rahul was initially captivated by Soumya’s intelligence, cheerfulness, and willingness to lend a helping hand. However, as their relationship progressed, Rahul began to discern that a considerable shadow accompanied the brilliance he saw in Soumya.

Soumya’s imperfections weren’t unusual, for, as we all know, no one is without their flaws. Rahul, however, found himself in a quandary, standing at a crossroads.

In a conversation with me, I encouraged Rahul to share his thoughts. Did he wish to retreat from the shadow he had noticed, or did he want to shine his radiant light upon Soumya’s shadow and move towards accepting her as she was?

As Rahul pondered his options, he realized his love for Soumya was more profound than the shadows he had observed. He chose to shine his light on her imperfections, embracing her for who she was.

Their commitment to one another grew stronger with time, and eventually, they decided to take the next step in their journey together. Rahul and Soumya tied the knot, their union symbolizing their love and willingness to accept and support each other, shadows and all.

When two people in a close relationship illuminate each other’s shadows, those shadows dissipate, paving the way for a positive and harmonious relationship.



Shubha Apte

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world.