So soothing to watch a snail — Vidya Sury ©


Slow Pace But Home Finally

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”


Racing snail wins by a slime!

Around this time last year, I often accompanied my neighbor who is doing her PhD in Botany to the local parks. We’d catch bees for her research. The goal was to get the pollen sac on a specific species. I had a lot of fun wandering the gardens while she did her thing.

On one such trip, I watched a snail make its way across a slab of granite to the grass beyond. The morning sunshine warmed my neck and butterflies were busy having breakfast. There was a large crack in the granite and I wondered how the snail would make it. I watched.

What seemed like hours later, this cute snail approached the crack. I held my breath. Would it slip and fall? No. It simply extended its body like a rubberband. Even as I watched, the elongated snail reached across the chasm and made it to the finish line without breaking a sweat.

My heart was hammering. What a relief it was when the snail made it to its destination! Made me smile, thinking, there’s so much about nature’s critters we don't know. There’s a life lesson there somewhere. Oh, not the slow and steady winning the race, which is…



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.