lemon cupcake on a plate
Lemon & Lime Cupcake © Nicole Anders

Small Cake, Big Impact

February Six Word Photo Story Challenge: ”Love & Hearts”

Nicole Anders
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


Love is homemade cake and tea.

There is no more effective feel-good recipe to warm the heart, than homemade cake and tea.

Cakes are hand-woven love tokens made for sharing. They are the little bit of naughtiness we aren’t supposed to eat but do anyway.

They widen our eyes, tickle our taste buds and delight our senses with every mouthful.

Sharing cake makes us smile, and makes an ordinary day feel a little bit special. Cake makes memories we return to every so often, like thoughts of first love.

“Ooh, remember that yummy chocolate cake that was firm on the outside but all gooey in the middle?”


“I’ll never forget the coffee cake you made. I dream of it sometimes!”

Honestly, baking a cake makes a difference, and it works every time.

I recently visited my hometown and a couple of 90-year-old family friends I had not met up with for many years. I didn’t want to arrive at their home empty-handed, so I whipped up these easy-peasy citrus squeezy cupcakes in no time and took them along to share.

Husband: “Boy, those cupcakes were something else!”

Wife: “He lit up when he tasted those cakes! You’ve made an old man very happy!”

That day I don’t know what happened to the leftover cakes — they simply disappeared — but I do know those tangy lemon and lime-flavoured little powerhouses brightened a day and created memories that will last forever.

Why not give it a go?

YouTube Lemon Cupcakes, Preppy Kitchen

With thanks for the February Challenge Love & Hearts brought to you by the wonderful Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and sending a cupcake love to six-word storytellers including, Sandi, Mary Chang Story Writer, Penny Grubb, pockett dessert, B.R. Shenoy, David Acaster, Gauri Sirur, Denise Darby, Sherry Kappel, Hollie Petit, Ph.D. Mia Verita.



Nicole Anders
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer/Photographer who loves to create word and picture stories and write about a variety of topics that inspire me.