Photo of a yellow fish-shaped structure that serves as a makeshift roadside eatery. Had a board called Shashi Fish Land.
Photo by Anu Anniah

Something Fishy Here

January Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Fun”

Anu Anniah
1 min readJan 14, 2024


Eat fish served from a fish

Believe it or not, this fish-shaped contraption is a roadside eatery. I’m guessing they sell delicacies made of fish. I could be wrong. I’ll never know because we could not stop to check.

The board does say ‘Shashi Fish Land’ in the local language, Kannada. The chap in the photo is probably Shashi, the owner of this merry-looking fish.

Our car was turning from a side round into the main road when I saw this. We were somewhere on the road between Mysore and Srirangapatna. I leaned out of the car window and clicked several pictures. No, I wasn’t driving. This was the cleanest shot I got.

As we drove along the road, we discovered many more fish lands — all in vibrant colors, designs, and sizes. The fish had different expressions. We found one fish crying inconsolably. Maybe it had no customers?

After the third fish, I started counting. I counted almost twenty fish lands along the way. We could not stop smiling each time we passed one such unique fish that feeds the hungry.

