Photo credit: Divina Grey


Sometimes, Life Takes Your Breath Away

Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Freestyle

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readNov 26, 2023


Sometimes, life takes your breath away.

Sometimes, life takes your breath away in a beautiful way. And sometimes, it feels like ‘there’s a steel knife in my windpipe,’ as Marshal Mathers would say.

On the morning I snapped this picture, I was sluggishly on my way to drop the kids off at school and zoom down the freeway to meet my endearing client with Parkinson’s for her morning routine.

Color me crabby, but we all had a case of the Mondays.

I know the back and forth to two alarmingly different households wear on my kids’ resilient spirits occasionally. (How can it not?) Usually, we all welcome serenity in the morning car ride to school; calm, sleepy, and thoughtful energy fog the car windows on brisk Autumn mornings.

We came to a stop sign; I looked left and right, and my breath was taken from me when I saw this outside my passenger-side window.

I point out this beautiful, breathtaking world to my kids as often as possible because what else is there besides hope sometimes?



Divina Grey
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

A Certified Nursing Assistant, Mom, Musician, Fitness Enthusiast, and Owner of Divina's Release publication. | Open to gigs: