“A meatball heart discovered by son in take-away meal” photo by writer, Mary Chang Story Writer

Photography, Love & Hearts | Vidya’s February Prompt

Strange Surprise Found in Noodles

February Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Love & Hearts”


“Look, Mom — it’s a meatball heart!”

We’re open for submissions and invite you to submit to the February Monthly Challenge “Love & Hearts” led by Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

With gratitude to Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and Sandi Parsons, my brilliant co-editors, for helping with submissions this month.

Sometimes you need a different perspective to see things in a new way. That’s the concept of Six Word Photo Story Challenge. Can you tell a story in six words inspired by a photo taken by yourself? Backstory, optional. Visit the Submission Guidelines to request to be added as a writer and submit to the publication.

About the writer

Mary Chang is the editor of the Six Word Photo Story Challenge publication. She’s also a writer, parent, and fitness enthusiast…



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️