Black, White, and the Rainbow’s Chat [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]


The B&W Duo Meets the Vibrant Crew

Sanghita Pal
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Monochrome to Multicolor: A Playful Conversation

Black: Hey White, guess what?

White: What’s up, Black?

Black: I heard Colors are planning a party. They said it’s going to be “vibrant.” Sounds like they are throwing shade at us, doesn’t it?

White: Oh, typical Colors. Always making a scene with their flashy hues. But hey, we know how to keep it classy.

Red: Hey, Black and White! Did I hear party? You guys are coming, right?

Black: Are we even invited, Red? Last time we showed up, everyone said we were too “monochrome.”

Red: Oh, come on! We need you for the contrast! Imagine a rainbow without you two. It would just look like a messy color explosion.

White: True, Red. But we don’t need to be the center of attention like you Colors. We’re more of the… understated elegance type.

Blue: Elegance, sure. But you have to admit, we bring the fun. Look at all the variety we add! Who wants to live in a black-and-white world?

Black: Hey, we have our own charm. Film noir, anyone? Ever tried reading a colorful book? It is all about the print in black ink on white paper.

Yellow: Touché, Black. But you can’t deny, a splash of color brings everything to life. Sunshine, flowers, fruits — they are all about us!

White: You Colors sure know how to brighten things up, but let us not forget the basics. Without us, you would all just blend into a muddy mess.

Green: True, true. We do need you for that perfect balance. But admit it, sometimes you could use a little… excitement?

Black: We admit it. A world without Colors would be a bit… dull. But a world without us would be chaotic. We keep things grounded.

White: So here is to us all — Black, White, and Colors. Each adding our own unique touch to the world.

Red: Cheers to that! Now, about that party… how do you feel about some black-and-white décor with colorful accents?

Black: Now you are talking!

White: Perfect balance, as always. Let us make it a party to remember!

Hail Mary & Team SWPSC❤️🧿! Hearty thanks, Mary, for a wonderful June prompt💖.

Photo and story ©️Sanghita Pal, 2024. All rights reserved♾️🙏🧿.

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Sanghita Pal
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories