Two Yellow Ringneck Parrots in a bottlebrush tree with a sunflower seed block
Photo Credit: Sandi Parsons

The Bed and Breakfast Joint is Open

Six Word Photo Story: Freestyle

Sandi Parsons
2 min readJan 19, 2022


Under the canopy, we blend in.

For the last twelve months, I’ve been feeding our feathered friends. Mostly our clientele has been Australian Ringneck parrots, some doves, and the occasional dirty rotten swooper (AKA the Australian Magpie).

To be honest, we don’t see the dirty rotten swoopers much. They prefer the house across the road. They get little chunks of meat when they visit — clearly much tastier than my birdseed.

The Ringnecks have been quiet visitors, popping in and out to have a nibble, then heading off. The sunflower seed block is their favorite — I tried the fruit and seed mix, but they weren’t keen on it. Although, given it took four weeks for them to polish off, it’s much more economical on the pocket than the sunflower seed blocks, which disappear within a week.

Last week, I spotted a couple of Pink Galahs watching from the power lines. I think we’re about to have some new customers.

Pretty but destructive, the Australian Ringneck is an agricultural pest to crops. Although protected as a native species, there are various management programs around Western Australia. In the southwest land division of the state in open season, farmers can shoot Ringnecks on private land.

Outside the open season, farmers must have a damage license from the Department of Environment and Conservation.

Fortunately for my little guys, we live in the metropolitan area, where there’s no open season on Ringnecks. Ringnecks are typically residential. This means they prefer to feed near where they roost and tend not to follow seasonal migration like other birds.

Next in the bird saga:

Sandi Parsons is an award-winning school librarian with over 20 years experience working in educational libraries. She lives with her favorite husband and two problem puppies. She dabbles in the art of photography.

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Sandi Parsons

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.