“Obstreperous” by Ted Greenwood against a background of actual grass
The book that made me fall in love with words (Photo by author)

The Book That Taught My Brain To Fly

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Retro or Old”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
1 min readMar 26, 2024


How I learned words are glorious

This book will never escape my clutches.

It spends most of its life in a plastic sleeve these days, although today, it felt the gentle caress of grass when it ventured out for a photo, so I guess everyone has the possibility of adventure in the future.

This edition is fifty-one years old.

I so clearly remember having it read to me as a child and hearing the word ‘obstreperous’ and rolling it around on my tongue. And then living it, and knowing the perfect word for my behavior, and then living it some more.

Teaching it to my children was joyful. And a double-edged sword.

This story is a response to the “Retro or Old” challenge.

I’m just generally obsessed with writing, words, and play. You can check out my prose, poetry, and parenting humor here.



Anthea Jones
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I write whimsical stories of colour, excitement, joy and revenge. And I'm kind of fascinated by words and language. And play, especially in teens and adults.