The Duck and the Egg: Unraveling Life’s Timeless Mystery

A Six Word Photo Story: Freestyle

B.R. Shenoy
Six Word Photo Story Challenge


Which came first — duck or egg?

You know that age-old question, right? Which came first, the duck or the egg?

Well, I was taking a stroll along a nature trail when I stumbled upon a nest of these beautiful duck eggs. And let me tell you, it got my brain working!

Logically, you’d think the duck came first because, well, it has to lay the eggs, right? But then I remembered that the first duck must have hatched from an egg too.

Talk about a chicken-or-egg situation!

However, looking at it from an evolutionary perspective, the egg takes the lead.

It’s through gradual changes and natural selection that a species preceding the modern duck laid an egg, which eventually led to the duck we know today.

So, in this amazing cycle of life, it seems the egg had the first crack at it!

Which do you think came first? Please share your thoughts in the comments.



B.R. Shenoy
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Biochemist turned Writer•Expat on 3 Continents•12x Boosted Writer•Editor:The Shortform• NewsBreak Writer••Proud Mom of 2.