The haze-enveloped evening Sun at Gwalior Fort, Madhya Pradesh, India [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]


The Life-Sustaining Celestial Marvel Named Sun

Sanghita Pal
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readJun 14, 2023


Essential and fascinating power of sun

In the vast expanse of the universe, there is a celestial marvel that captivates and sustains life on our planet — the power of the sun.

Its radiance and warmth unfold across the skies, connecting all living beings.

Eons ago, in a cosmic symphony, a luminous star was born — the sun.

From its fiery core, it emanated light and heat, casting a brilliant glow across the solar system. This radiant giant became the center of our cosmic neighborhood, a beacon of energy and life-giving force.

The sun’s rays travel across space, reaching our planet Earth and its energy is the primary driver of our climate and weather systems. It fuels the growth of vegetation, allowing forests to flourish and crops to thrive.

From the tiniest blade of grass to the mightiest trees, all living organisms depend on the sun’s life-sustaining energy.

Not only that, it shapes the rhythm of life on Earth. From dawn to dusk, its presence marks the passage of time.

The sun’s warm embrace wakes us every morning, filling our world with light and vitality. It guides birds, animals, even triggers the blossoming of leaves and flowers, a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors.

Moreover, the sun holds the key to a remarkable phenomenon — solar power. Inspired by its brilliance, humans have harnessed this boundless energy.

Surya, the sun, a deity in Indian and other ancient civilizations, is revered for its life-giving essence.

Egyptians worshipped Ra as sustenance, and the Inca revered Inti for warmth and life.

These beliefs highlight the profound impact of the sun on our collective consciousness.

From its celestial origins to its influence on nature and the development of renewable energy, the sun’s power is both fascinating and essential.

As we bask in its radiance, let us appreciate our deep connection to the cosmos and the awe-inspiring forces that sustain life on our planet.

Gratitude Mary for an invigorating June prompt and the happy space SWPSC and hearty thanks to the stupendous Editorial Team ❤❤❤

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Sanghita Pal
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories