Large spider’s web on a farmers gate with field and woods in background
'Spidergate' Photo by Nicole Anders

The SpiderGate

October Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Scary


The walkers were never seen again.

I had been walking for about an hour when I saw it.

The spider’s web hung from the gate like a canvas on a gallery wall.

Transfixed by its fragile perfection, I leaned in to take a closer look and then stepped back.

I’d seen enough.

The web was hauntingly beautiful but ever so eerie. I felt like it was saying, “No Entry Beyond This Point.”

And I wondered if the couple in the distance, about to disappear into the woods, ever made it out.

Thank you Mary Chang Story Writer for the Six Word Photo Story Challenge Publication.



Nicole Anders
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer/Photographer who loves to create word and picture stories and write about a variety of topics that inspire me.