Author wearing exercise attire, leaning against a wall, facing the camera
Photo of author in exercise attire, taken by her spouse with an old iPhone 6

This is the Kind of Mistake that Brightens Your Day

Summer Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shine”

Shereen Bingham
2 min readAug 3, 2022


They carded me at age sixty.

It was my 60th birthday, and I stopped by Trader Joe’s to pick up a few groceries and a bottle of wine on my way home from the gym.

To my surprise, the cashier at the checkout counter asked for my driver’s license. I laughed. It had to be a joke, right?

But no! The cashier was not smiling. He seemed embarrassed and even apologized after he saw the date on my license. No apology was needed, of course. I thanked him and beamed all the way home.

At home, I asked my husband to take my picture so I could objectively assess whether I actually looked under 21. He humored me. Let’s just say it’s a good thing the photo came out blurry. :)

The next day, I returned to the store to give the cashier a “thank you” flower, but he wasn’t there. No doubt he was at his eye doctor buying a new pair of glasses!

I’m comfortable with getting older, and even revel in some of what is coming with my sixties. But a genuine compliment now and then makes me shine, even when it’s by mistake.

Whether it’s about appearance, talents, accomplishments, knowledge, or other personal qualities, a compliment feels good if it’s real. Isn’t that true for just about everyone?

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer, for your creative publication and inspiring summer challenge.



Shereen Bingham
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Communication Ph.D., venturing out from success as a scholarly writer to explore terrains of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fictional short stories.