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This Was The Prettiest Puddle I’ve Ever Seen In My Life

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”

davíð matthías
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
1 min readApr 16, 2024


Don’t drop your camera, you weirdo!

To get a good puddle self-portrait, you’ve got to lean quite far over the puddle. Surprisingly far, actually.

And then you’ve got to hold onto your camera very tightly. I don’t have a strap attached to my camera these days, I find it gets in the way. I hope that doesn’t end badly.

I have several of these kinds of shots in my back-catalogue. This one was taken just a few days ago, and I love it so much. I could stare at this image for ages, there are so many details in that reflection.

I got a couple of looks from passers by… “What’s he doing taking a photo of a puddle…?” but I soon got over it.

I’ll be photographing puddles for a while yet.

