Photo Credits: Akshat Loya

Too Sunny to Sleep

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”

Akshat Loya
1 min readJul 21, 2024


I have found peace! Have you?

After spending hours under the scorching sun at The Grand Palace in Bangkok's hot and humid climate, we were too tired, thirsty, and hungry to appreciate the beauty of this otherwise wonderful royal complex. Struggling to find an exit, we kept roaming around the perimeter.

Searching for a shade to take shelter, I came across this sleeping beauty in her private corner. A white furred enchantress, peacefully resting, completely unbothered about the bustle all around.

I sat in the pavilion nearby, far enough not to be a disturbance, just looking at this blissful creature.

‘I have found peace! Have you?’ as if the cat asked.

I went on to spend the rest of my day as happy and enthused as I started, feeling rejuvenated. Sometimes, something just connects, leaving a lasting impression.

