Butterfly Mural at the Bangalore International Airport( Photo Credit : Shubha Apte)

Transforming Waste Into Wonder

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”

Shubha Apte
2 min readApr 23, 2024


Reimagining Waste: Butterfly Mural Inspires Change

Yesterday, I returned from Mumbai. At Bangalore International Airport, while I was waiting in the baggage claim area, a huge butterfly mural on the wall opposite the baggage claim belt caught my attention.

Intrigued, I went to have a closer look at the mural. What I saw was truly remarkable and thought-provoking.

This elegant mural, a testament to the transformative power of sustainable re-creation, was crafted entirely from electronic waste. It stood as a powerful symbol, reflecting the potential to reshape lives and communities through responsible consumption.

The mural assembled with e-waste is a powerful tool for reflection on the importance of responsible disposal.

We all know, E-waste contains toxic substances such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into soil and water if not disposed of properly. This mural, therefore, serves as a reminder of the environmental harm caused by improper disposal, including pollution and habitat destruction.

The butterfly, a symbol of endurance, change, hope, and life, represents the journey from caterpillar to butterfly. In a similar vein, the e-waste transformed into a stunning butterfly mural symbolizes the potential for positive change and transformation, even in the face of waste and environmental degradation.

It’s a beacon of hope, a reminder of our collective power to turn the tide.

It reminds us that we can turn waste into something beautiful and sustainable through innovative recycling and responsible consumption practices.

In fact, since returning from Mumbai, I have been so impressed with the mural that I have been busy collecting all the e-waste in my house and trying to find an e-waste collection vendor who will take responsibility for proper disposal.



Shubha Apte

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world. www.shubhaapte.com