Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Photography, People

Update! Rules: No People in Photos

Submissions that feature people other than yourself


This publication, Six Word Photo Story Challenge, will no longer accept submissions with photographs of people UNLESS the photo is of yourself and it is indicated in the photo credit that the picture is of YOU — which was either been taken by yourself (selfie) or taken by someone else. You must credit the name of the person who took the photo of you. The photo of yourself must also connect to the six-word story in some way.

Please visit the submission guidelines for any updates before you submit a story.

The reason behind the “no people in photos rule”

The reason for this is I need to prevent any possible violations of privacy and people’s rights in connection with publishing people in photographs in this publication. The rules, policies, copyrights, and laws regarding this fall into a grey area and varies for each country, so I’d rather play it safe than sorry!

With “street photography” or photos taken in “public places,” — some countries allow this and other countries forbid it. I’m not an expert on this and can’t make the call with each photo as this is an international publication. As well, there is no way…



Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️