Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s end. Photo by author.


Uplift Rather than Compare

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Life”

2 min readApr 25, 2023


“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

This phrase has been attributed to many people. Regardless of who initially said it, it has never been more relevant than in our modern times of social media. If there’s anything I’ve learned about life, it’s that everything is a matter of perspective.

People portray their life according to what they want others to see. Onlookers soak it up like a complete picture rather than a partial glimpse.

The truth is that everyone has personal struggles in life. We view life through our one-sided individual lens of preconceived ideas and personal experiences. We each have our strengths and weaknesses.

When I shot this photo, I pondered the rose filled with life in full bloom alongside the rose that had died. It reminded me that we cannot make a fair comparison of our beginning to someone else’s prime or another person’s end.

I’m not suggesting we ignore our differences. I’m saying we can admire others who seem to be doing well. Instead of saying, “Woe is me. The grass is greener on the other side.” Sometimes it’s more helpful to say, “Wow, your grass sure is pretty. How do you keep it looking so great?” I’m…

