My cat Rascal’s shadow. Photo © Erie Astin.

Weird Cat in the Window

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shadows”


Rascal’s giant head behind the curtain.

This photo delights me. In a trick of the light, my cat Rascal looks like a monster with a humongous head, or like an argonaut wearing one of those old-fashioned deep-sea helmets, ready to plunge into the ocean’s depths.

If you look close, you can even see the shadow of her elongated whiskers extending downward, ready to sweep against the windowsill.

My cats are obsessed with these basement curtains. They hide behind them, letting the fabric wrap around their bodies, then, in a burst of energy, they leap away.

Rascal’s brother, Rowdy, loves to hang from the curtains like a bat. Even with the curtains closed, I see tiny pinpricks of light shining through the shadows because he’s left claw marks behind from his play.



Erie Astin
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.