Photo: Penny Grubb


We’re Never First To The Fruit

Penny Grubb
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readSep 10, 2023


Time to climb for the apples.

Even with a dearth of wasps this year, there is plenty of competition for the apple harvest. If we don’t pick them off the tree, they won’t be in good enough condition to store. If we hadn’t allowed the trees to grow so tall, we wouldn’t need a ladder to get to them. Not that any will go to waste. Wildlife scuttles, flies, or slithers in to dive on the apples, eating them before and after they drop to the floor.

The shadow in the photo poses a conundrum. It either shows me holding the ladder or the spouse climbing the ladder — we were both there, it’s a 2-person job — but the shadow person looks to be upside down. Neither the spouse nor I go in for ladder acrobatics these days, so it’s some trick of the light or, rather, some trick of the shadow.

Thanks to Mary Chang Story Writer for the Shadows challenge. Join in here:

For more great stories go to Mary Chang Story Writer, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Ellie Jacobson, Dunelair, Dennett, pockett dessert, Susan Alison, Kris Bedenian, Kim Zuch, Jennifer Pierce, Stuart Aken, Linda Acaster, Pene Hodge, Will Hull, Nicole Anders, Danielle Hestand, Diana Lotti, Madeleine McDonald, CARMEN F MICSA, Sandi Parsons, Jason Edmunds, David Perlmutter.

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Penny Grubb
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

An award-winning crime novelist & long-time amateur poultry keeper, who specialised in teaching methods, healthcare & software engineering as an academic.