Woman gazing at a boat in the water with mountains and greenery in the distance
Panshet Dam, Pune, Maharashtra. Vidya Sury ©


What Was I Thinking?

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


Reflecting on my thinning hair, maybe?

The year was 2010. Life-changing for our family, as my mom passed away in February. I remember how lost we felt, constantly expecting to hear her voice or see her cooking in the kitchen or one of the million things she did. Most of our time was spent reflecting on the sudden and unexpected turn of events that led to her death. Of course the list of “if only” piled up.

Among those, there was a long list of her advice I regretted not heeding. I often found myself getting lost in thought, feeling bad, shedding some tears, and then getting over it, because even though she was gone, her voice was in my head. When we visited Pune later that year, we visited the Simhagad Fort. En route, we stopped at the Panshet dam. We decided to spend time there.

As I gazed at the tranquil water, it occurred to me that the bobbing boats moored to the pier were like my thoughts, disturbing the calm. And yet, the water went right back to placid. It seemed like a reflection of my mom, telling me that in the larger scheme of things, everything would be okay. Eventually.



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com