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Where Would the World Be Without Holes?

Six-word photo story challenge: Freestyle


Donuts have holes for a reason.

The world needs holes, otherwise.

There would be no point in golf.

Your logic would always be flawless.

A bullet would have nowhere to go.

Where would we put Hannibal Lecter?

There would be no Charles Dickens.

All apples would be perfect.

Rabbits would be homeless.

No one would spend more than they made so the American economy would collapse.

Running backs would never gain a yard.

Nothing would remind me of my father and mother.

Oppenheimer and Einstein would have to talk about the Bomb.

I would need more colorful T-shirts.

Donut dough would be burned on the outside.

And that beautiful tree in the photo would have been cut down.



Six Word Photo Story Challenge
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Published in Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Monthly six word story writing challenges inspired by photos taken by yourself

Paul Gardner
Paul Gardner

Written by Paul Gardner

I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.