Photo by the author

Who Are You?

May six word photo story challenge: This is Me

2 min readMay 23, 2024


I’m a writer and morning person.

But also a male, father, brother, friend, partner, liberal, Democrat, retiree, teacher, volunteer, walker, biker, traveler, Medium reader, soccer and baseball fan, and an older person.

Last night, I met online with a monthly group of Red (Republican) and Blue (Democrat) friends. Our topic was the Four Trials of Donald Trump. We broke into two groups: politics and accountability. The “politics” group, mainly Red, believed political differences mostly pushed the charges. The “accountability” side, mostly Blue, was convinced each trial was a genuine attempt to hold the former president accountable for wrongdoing.

Last night, I wore my liberal, Democrat, and friend hats. Occasionally, during our 90-minute meeting, I took my “friend” hat off when things got a little testy.

The other labels I use to categorize myself were irrelevant last night.

The vast storm system tearing through Iowa this morning drove me out of bed earlier than my usual 4 am to bring the cushions in from the front and back porches. You could add “keeper of the porch cushions” to my identity.

Like my parents, I’ve always been a morning person. I write from 4 to 6 a.m. each day. Thank goodness our Red/Blue group meets at 6 p.m.

I’m asleep by 9 p.m. I no more understand night people than I do Republicans.

Although I wrote scholarly articles when I taught college for forty years, I never considered myself a writer. It was something I had to do.

But I always wanted to write little stories about daily, mind you, not nightly, things.

That’s what I’ve been doing in retirement for six years.

Identity labels come and go, with the circumstances.

Last night, Democrat, liberal, and friend, with friend tottering a bit.

Now, morning person and writer.

For six years, I’ve patiently waited for the perfect moment to begin a story with “It was a dark and stormy morning.”

Stay tuned to find out why that cupboard door is ajar.

After all, you, too, are a Medium reader.



I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.