© Dennett — 2019

Nature Photography / Florida

Will We Ever Return?

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readMay 30, 2023


Sadly, next year may never come.

I took this photo in 2019 — a few months before the pandemic came to visit. I’ve taken hundreds of photos of this lake. It’s Lake Dora, located in Mount Dora, northwest of Orlando.

Ben and I discovered this wonderful getaway spot in 2010. We visited dozens of times until this last trip in 2019.

It became our escape place. I used to take our grandchildren there for their birthdays and each December to see the town’s amazing Christmas decorations. Every year, we visited Mount Dora five or six times. The local business owners knew us well.

Ben and I have been waiting for Covid to wane enough to feel safe going to stay overnight anywhere. The government may say the pandemic is over, but we aren’t convinced. I continued thinking, Maybe next year.

Now that Ben has started kidney dialysis, will we ever visit Mount Dora again? Will we ever see the sun setting over Lake Dora again? Even short trips are difficult to maneuver these days.

© Dennett 2023

In response to the May Water prompt by Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles:



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.