Author’s photo of her red cyclamen houseplant.

Your Red Cheerful Blossoms Bring Happiness and Joy

November Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Happiness”

Joyce Nielsen
2 min readNov 11, 2023


Your red flowers uplift my mood.

Every morning when I come down the stairs to let my dog out, rosy blossoms greet me. My cyclamen stands strong and true, ready for whatever the day brings. When I let Rusty back inside, he scampers up the stairs. Meanwhile, I turn on the grow lights to wake my flowering plants up.

I have several houseplants that flower off and on, but my cyclamen doesn’t seem to need periods of rest. I deadhead spent blossoms and other stems rise up with new buds. You’re like the energizer bunny. You keep going and going.

I’m not complaining. Your constant flowering state brings me much joy. A feeling of happiness floods my entire body whenever I glance your way. I cannot be despondent with your exultant energy filling my writing space.

I hear you say, “Rejoice, for it is a new day!”

I sing your praises my cyclamen. You give me hope and peace of mind. May you live long and well, my beautiful plant.

Thank you Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles for issuing this challenge.

And a sincere thank you to the editorial team, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Sandi Parsons, and Mary Chang Story Writer.



Joyce Nielsen

I write on all aspects found in Nature. I hope to inspire with tales of adventure and my life experience. You can email me here: