No holiday party?

Isabel Tan
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2020

We have plans B, C and D

(Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash)

Holiday party season would be around the bend… if this weren’t 2020. Some of you would be looking forward to a big night, while others might be dreading it and wishing you could stay home. We have some good news for everyone involved, especially those who need to come up with a plan. Let us help you find a new “2020 way” to give thanks and honor your team for their hard work and dedication this year.

🎁 Get Gifting

Holiday parties are a chance to give thanks, and thanks to Charlie Palmer or City Winery, you still can. Sending a Gift Kit filled with edible, tangible, delightful treats is the perfect way to say thanks.

You can offer Gift Kits as a standalone, or as an added bonus to arrive in advance of a virtual party. Submit a this form to receive a complimentary curated list of Gift Kits for your team.

🎉 Host a Company-Wide Virtual Party

Virtual holiday parties create an opportunity to make the kind of memories you can only create online. Compare funny backgrounds, laugh at screens freezing at awkward moments, or meet co-workers’ pets as they walk across the “stage” and block the webcam.

Bring your group together for a Virtual Cocktail Party or throw a Virtual Cooking Class and Wine Tasting Experience where you either ship Food + Beverage Kits (aka Gift Kits) directly to their home or provide Amex gift cards for attendees to purchase ingredients on their own. Ranging from $50/head to $500+ we have something for virtually every budget.

To receive a complimentary curated list of Virtual Culinary Experiences, submit this form and our team will guide you to the right experiences based on your needs.

➡️ ⬅️ Break it up, Go Smaller

One challenge in planning events, virtual or not, is accounting for lots of different tastes. Maybe Sally and Bob like cocktails while Mary and Michelle like yoga. 1/2 of your employees don’t have kids, while the rest have a mix of newborns, toddlers and teens.

How to please everyone? The benefit of a going virtual is the ability to create smaller, intimate and customized programming. Send employees a survey to gauge their interest in a variety of experiences — from magic shows or gingerbread making geared towards kids, to mixology or pasta making classes for the adults in the room. Submit this form and we’ll get to work for you.

To receive a complimentary curated list of virtual culinary experiences, submit this form and our team will guide you to the right experiences based on your needs.

To Satisfy your Cravings…

… browse our SixPlus recipe collections below and master your favorite venue’s recipes. Share photos with friends, family, and Instagram, and be sure to tag the venue!

Coping Through Cooking: At Home with SixPlus Venue Partners Batch no. 1
Coping Through Cooking: At Home with SixPlus Venue Partners Batch no. 2
Coping Through Cooking: At Home with SixPlus Venue Partners Batch no. 3

… watch and listen

12 Culinary Films to Whet your Appetite
12 Culinary Series to Whet your Appetite
8 Culinary Podcasts to Whet your Appetite

Stay tuned for more recipes and other entertaining collections coming soon.

