Ish Kwatra
The Six Pm Show
Published in
1 min readJun 7, 2021

Please! Just for once hold my hand,

I’m sorry for never taking a stand.

You matter! You always did,

I’m sorry for leaving you in mid.

Mid of life, mid of problems, mid of every part,

For all these mistakes, there’s a sorry from the depth of my heart.

Please! Just for once hold my hand,

I’m sorry for never taking a stand.

My heart aches for choosing others and not you,

For all the judgements & comparisons, I really apologize to you.

We are in this together till the very end of life,

You have always been there, and I regret stabbing you with this knife.

Please! Just for once hold my hand,

Promise, I won’t let it go again like sand.

I will be your bestfriend, I will be there when you’ll need me again,

Infront of mirror, I repeat this again & again.

By - Ish Kwatra

