My Strange Phone Addiction


Just like the rest of most of you guys, I spend an unusual amount of time viewing life behind a phone screen. Most people hardly let anything just be a memory. We try to eternalize every moment instead of just taking it all in and capturing the moment with our senses. Like I said, I follow a similar route, but my path is a little bit different.

I was an avid iPhone user and loved it. I had the 4 and kept it in virtually flawless condition. After some chastisement from friends and realizing how much I love customization, I decided to make the switch to Android. My device of choice was the Galaxy S4. It was certainly awesome. I had options to customize my phone however I wanted, to whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. That’s what started my problem.

I became obsessed with customization. Almost every time my wife picked up my phone there would be at least two things different about my phone. I had to have several cases and the latest innovative apps. I scoured the internet for endless possibilities to make my phone “my phone”. But no matter how much I tweaked things I still felt empty.

Along with the continuous obsession, I also missed many moments and conversations with my wife, family and friends.

That is time I can’t get back — Time wasted.

So I decided to do something about it. I felt silly confessing it to some friends, but I knew it was certainly a sin-problem that I needed help with.

I decided to get rid of all my apps and just keep essentials like the Bible app. That attempt failed. Obsession continued.

Next I tried an app that could lock me out of certain apps. Also failed. Obsession got worse.

Then I noticed I was trying to fix myself. Sinners can’t fix themselves. Only God can. Any other attempt is like placing a band-aid over a gushing artery.

If you’ve read to this point you may be thinking “okay dude you’re getting a little ridiculous. It’s not that serious.” That’s what I said to try convincing myself it’s not that big of an issue.

But when God made me aware of the lack of desire I had for Him, the problem seemed clear and simple. Oh the “little things” that build our walls of hostility toward a holy God.

This is partially why I decided to go back to iPhone. It’s simple, lacks customization (compared to Androids) and is reliable. I am trusting God to take away the desires that came with my previous device.

When I texted my buddy that I was back to using an iPhone again his response (left) was funny, but true — although he had no clue the struggle I was facing before.

So far it hasn’t fought for as much of my attention as my previous device, but I’m not falling asleep. just like anything else, I’m capable of idolizing the iPhone, or anything else for that matter. That’s the way our hearts are wired when we become unaware of the beauty of God. God gives us himself, but we settle for wealth. We settle for houses, cars, and clothes. I settle for electronics.

I’m asking God for guidance, wisdom and grace in my next endeavor to live a life that show’s him to be most valued in my life. I’m also asking all of you to keep me accountable. Even if I don’t know you and you see me engrossed in my phone, challenge me. Engage me with conversation. Ask me if I’m idolizing.

I am convinced that nothing can keep me from the love of God. And I will fight with all that is in me to behold his treasure.



Sixth Degree — More face to face, less face to device

Full-time husband. African American Studies, Sociology and Economics teacher. Track and Cross Country coach. Professional Amatuer.